API Reference
Base URL
All requests contain the following base URL:
To authenticate you need to add two headers to each API request.
X-RapidAPI-Host: content-credentials.p.rapidapi.com
Gather content credentials from media URL
POST /verify
Content-Type: application/json
{"url": "YOUR-MEDIA-URL"}
Successful response [200]
{"manifest_store": {"active_manifest": "IDENTIFIER", "manifests": {...}}, {"resources": {"IDENTIFIER": "BASE64_ENCODED_DATA"}}}
Response codes
Status | Description |
200 | Successful request. |
400 | Media type unknown or unsupported. |
401 | API key missing. |
403 | API key invalid. |
404 | Media URL not found or invalid. Content credentials not found or invalid. |
405 | HTTP method not supported. |
429 | Rate limit exceeded. |
5xx | Server error. |
Rate limit
Your current rate limit depends on your subscription plan. Once you hit the rate limit you will receive a 429 response error code.
To prevent this, we recommend reducing the rate at which you request the API. This can be done by introducing a queue mechanism or reducing the number of concurrent requests per second. If you have specific requirements, contact support to request a custom subscription plan tailored to your needs.
How do you handle API versioning?
Currently, there’s no versioning system in place. We plan to add versioning via calendar-based headers in the future.